Friday, February 27, 2015

First Debt by Pepper Winters

First Debt
First Debt by Pepper Winters

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

OH! MY! GOD! I am gobsmacked! I am practically speechless. I don’t know where to begin. So many questions. So few answers, but the answers given just lead to more questions. And that ending, that glorious effing ending that I never saw coming. I didn’t suspect. It wasn’t even on my freaking radar. Worst part is that with the way this series builds upon itself, I can’t talk about any flipping specifics without treading on a spoiler!

What I can say: Nila is coming into her own identity. She is no longer the dutiful daughter. She is a woman and she is her own woman, contract be damned! As for Jethro, his complexities are growing at a monumental rate. I cannot wait to find out what his secrets are, including the one he shares with Kestrel. But the chemistry we saw flickering between Nila and Jethro in Debt Inheritance had nothing on the inferno that blazed between them in First Debt. These two push one another’s buttons so thoroughly that I’m waiting for the nuclear fallout.

As the title would suggest, the First Debt was collected and it was an extremely intense scene. Not only was Nila horrified to learn what her ancestors did to the Hawks hundreds of years ago, she could understand why revenge was sought – even as she feels that she and Jethro are too many generations removed to take part in this farce. Her silent vow to be the Weaver who ends the cycle is a noble one and I cannot wait to see how the story plays out in Second Debt. Well done Ms. Winters, well done.

I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
Reviewed by Angela at Crystal's Many Reviewers!

Check out the First Debt Tour Stop! blog post on Crystal's Many Reviewers.

View all my reviews

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