Thursday, June 4, 2015

Tapout by J.C. Valentine

Tapout (Wayward Fighters, #2)Tapout by J.C. Valentine

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Tapout picks up shortly after the end of Knockout and despite her dislike of the fights, Ally is doing her best to support her man as Jami pursues his championship dreams. While things appear to be going well for the couple, fate – or should I say Tony and Spence – have different plans for them. Readers of Knockout won’t be surprised to learn that Tony is a vindictive man, but they may be surprised by the level to which he takes it – I know I was. Tony’s quest for vengeance and its fallout left me devastated, so I can say that I was quite relieved that Ms. Valentine didn’t leave me dangling off a cliff as she so easily could have done.

Again, I enjoyed the chemistry between Jami and Ally and loved the relationship development that took place in Tapout, even the heartbreaking moments. That Ally’s character seemed to grow more in this book and within her relationship with Jami was made evident in her increased confidence. There were several times where her snarky comments caused me to laugh out loud. At the same time, Jami came to realize the extent of his feelings for Ally and had to deal with that. As with Knockout, the sex scenes in Tapout were HOT. Because this was a continuation of their story, such scenes occurred early in the book and often.

Tapout is a great resolution to Ally and Jami’s story that began in Knockout. I say resolution rather than conclusion because I hope that Ms. Valentine continues the Wayward Fighters series and we continue to get glimpses in their lives. After all, Jami’s gym, Knockout, is the perfect setting for future installments and I would love to be able to spend more time with the Knockout family. Knockout and Tapout have made it on my re-read list.

I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
Reviewed by Angela at Crystal's Many Reviewers!

Check out the Tapout Tour Stop! blog post on Crystal's Many Reviewers.

View all my reviews

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