Saturday, September 27, 2014

Review of When You Make It Home by Claire Ashby

When You Make It Home
When You Make It Home by Claire Ashby

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was a lovely novel that I consider to be a solid good read. When You Make It Home is a very emotional story about the relationship that develops between Meg, a pregnant single woman, and Theo, a veteran and amputee. As much as I love the premise of two broken people learning to heal themselves through love, it didn’t quite live up to my expectations.

My biggest issue with the book was that I couldn't quite connect with Meg. I get that she was dealing with pregnancy hormones, but I found her behavior far too erratic to keep up with at times. I loved the Meg she was when she was with Theo – she was happy, caring, and loving. But the Meg that appeared when she let her insecurities slip in or worried about others judging her frustrated me because she would make herself and many of the people around her miserable. As for Theo, I absolutely adored him. Despite their less than impressive first meeting, he befriended Meg and basically infiltrated her life. Even though I knew why he was doing it, I was heartbroken for both of the characters when Theo left Meg. But I could have smacked her – yes, even with her being pregnant – when she refused to talk to him when he came back. Thankfully, Theo refused to be turned away and kept at her until she finally talked to him. While I wouldn’t expect to find sex scenes involving a pregnant woman sexy, the author writes them in such a way that Theo makes you forget that Meg is pregnant, thus making the scenes very stimulating.

What makes this book especially difficult for me to rate is that there are parts of the story that I loved, parts that I liked, and parts that were just “eh” for me. This is just one of those times where the book didn’t quite click for me, but it was still a good book and well worth reading – the birth scene alone was very entertaining. I recommend downloading a sample and checking it out for yourself because Ms. Ashby is a talented writer and When You Make It Home might be the book for you.

I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
Reviewed by Angela at Crystal's Many Reviewers!

Check out the When You Make It Home Tour Stop! blog post on Crystal's Many Reviewers.

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