Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Review of Their Temporary Sub by Mardi Maxwell

Their Temporary Sub
Their Temporary Sub by Mardi Maxwell

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

While I enjoyed Their Temporary Sub, I really wish I had reread books one and two prior to starting it because I felt lost for far too long while reading it. I love ménage books, so I’ve been looking forward to reading Luc and Logan’s story. However, the speed with which the relationship between them and Cassie developed felt accelerated. As it has been six months and at least 200 books since I read Jackson’s Sub, I attributed the “rushed” feeling to being out of the flow of the series.

That said, after finishing Their Temporary Sub, I went back and reread Jackson’s Sub from where Cassie first enters the book and there just weren’t enough interactions between the three to balance it out. There seems to be a chunk of time missing despite the fact that book three picks up at the scene on which book two ended. Both Cassie and Luc’s emotions and wavering kept me dizzy for a large part of the book and not always in a good way. Fortunately, Logan was the stable and driving force that bonded them together – except for a singular incident, he remained steadfast in moving forward with the ménage relationship with his twin and Cassie.

As for that singular incident, it was Thor’s reaction that baffled me most when he chose to believe the word of someone he didn’t know over his goddaughter, whom he helped raise. Thank goodness the Ramsey men aren’t drawn to weak-willed women and Cassie was able to “prove” her innocence, getting everything back on track. And because love – and hormones – conquer all, the three forged ahead with their relationship … and lots of hot sex. While Their Temporary Sub was not everything I hoped it would be, it was still an enjoyable read and I’m looking forward to reading the next book in the series, Zane’s Choice.

I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
Reviewed by Angela at Crystal's Many Reviewers!

Check out the Their Temporary Sub by Mardi Maxwell blog post on Crystal's Many Reviewers.

View all my reviews

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