Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Review of Perfect Imperfections by Cardeno C.

Perfect Imperfections
Perfect Imperfections by Cardeno C.

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

So I have a HUGE problem with Perfect Imperfections. Actually, it’s a MASSIVE problem.

The book is not long enough. Yes, I realize that it’s 205 pages, but I want more. I want more JJ. I want more Reg. I want more JJ and Reg. I love these guys – both as individuals and as a couple. I loved the way in which Reg and Jeremey met and how at ease Reg made Jeremy feel, never letting on that he knew who Jeremy was – and yes, there really are people like that in the world. I found it humorous that Jeremy unknowingly gave credence to his sudden claim to be gay by entering into a pretend relationship with a man who was actually gay. The fact that Reg enjoyed being around Jeremy so much that he was willing to agree to a pretend relationship to help Jeremy out just cemented how good of a person Reg is – he’s the kind of person you want to be able to call a friend. That he was a bit snarky and clearly a master of sarcasm just made me love him that much more. And if that weren’t enough of a reason for me to love Reg, the patience and slow seduction with which he approached JJ once he realized that JJ was gay was the final nail in that coffin. The elevator scene was hot; the Fleshlight scene hotter; the shower scene would have been up in flames were it not for the water; but the actual sex scenes nearly made my Kindle melt. The chemistry, the passion, and the love JJ and Reg have for one another is beautiful.

I know I’ve gone on and on about Reg, but as I said before I love JJ just as much. Seriously, how can you not love a man who tells his no longer pretend boyfriend “you have to help me because I don’t know how.” He looked at Reg beseechingly, “Will you help me keep you?” That line nearly made me cry because JJ is so worried that his neediness, his high maintenance personality, and his single-minded focus on his music career will cause him to drive Reg away. But everything that JJ considers a flaw in himself is what makes him perfect to Reg. Perfect Imperfections reminds us that for all of our flaws, there is someone out there who finds our imperfections perfect. Love isn’t about finding someone perfect, but rather about finding that person who is perfect for you. This is a beautifully written love story with plenty of humor and super-hot meaningful sex. I know I will read this book again … many, many times. Cardeno has definitely made a new fan and I cannot wait to read more of this author’s work.

I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
Reviewed by Angela at Crystal's Many Reviewers!

Check out the Perfect Imperfections by Cardeno C. blog post on Crystal's Many Reviewers.

View all my reviews

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