Monday, October 20, 2014

Review of Taming Ryder by Nicola Haken

Taming Ryder
Taming Ryder by Nicola Haken

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Taming Ryder is the second book in the Souls of the Knight series and it is by no means a light read. This book is filled with emotional landmines and potential readers should take note of the warning as there are several issues that may serve as triggers. While there were no triggers for me, this did not mean that Taming Ryder was not an emotional read for me because it most certainly was. There are incidents that occurred in Ryder and Mason’s lives that I was able to relate to, thus enabling me to connect with their characters.

Ryder found his way into the porn industry at the end of the previous book. It was a career choice he made purposefully and he enjoys his job and the family that comes with it. Mason responds to an open casting call and Ryder is immediately struck with his air of innocence. While Mason’s choice to go into porn was purposeful, it was also a way to make money so he could go to college. The two are drawn to one another from the first day – a concept that scares the ever loving h*ll out of Ryder.

Although there is a LOT of drama and several serious hurdles Ryder and Mason had to overcome as they pursued a relationship, they do eventually maneuver their way through. I enjoyed taking that ride with them. I definitely recommend keeping your tissue handy as your read Taming Ryder because there were several scenes that left me teary-eyed. I’m looking forward to Matt’s story and reading more of Ms. Haken’s work.

I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
Reviewed by Angela at Crystal's Many Reviewers!

Check out the Taming Ryder Tour Stop! blog post on Crystal's Many Reviewers.

View all my reviews

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