Friday, July 24, 2015

Confess by Colleen Hoover

ConfessConfess by Colleen Hoover

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved Confess. Even though Ms. Hoover managed to rip my heart out and make me cry with both the Prologue and the Epilogue (as well as a few scenes in between), I loved this book. Confess is meant to remind us that while the vast majority of people don’t find their other half until they’re adults (if even then), there are a special few who do find love as a teenager. Auburn and Adam were among that minority, but because of a terminal illness Auburn had to say goodbye to Adam at 15 (and I’m tearing up as I remember that scene). But Confess also shows us that some of us are so deserving of love that we get a second chance at finding true happiness, even if it’s not with our first love.

And this is where we enter Auburn’s life, five years later after she has moved to Texas to be closer to Adam’s family. After a discouraging meeting, Auburn finds herself in front of a building she walks by every day, finally seeing it for the first time. CONFESS is many things. It’s an art gallery. It’s a public confessional of sorts. It’s where Auburn finds a quick job to make some extra money. Most importantly, it’s where Auburn meets Owen. Auburn does not know Owen, but Owen knows of Auburn and you don’t find out the full ramifications of how he knows her until the end of the book. But how Owen knows Auburn does not prepare him for the full impact of getting to know Auburn and how she will affect his life.

Because I don’t want to give too much away and ruin the story for potential readers, I will say that theirs is one of the saddest love stories I have read in a long time. Even though this is a New Adult book, the angst is not at all what I expected. In the short amount of time they spend together, Auburn and Owen just click – it’s as if they’ve known one another forever. And while they want to explore a relationship, there are factors outside of their control that make it almost impossible for this to occur – particularly Adam’s family and Owen’s family. I wish I could say that I was surprised by what Adam’s brother did, but I wasn’t. With each time that Owen and Auburn were served a helping of “life’s not fair” I worried that Ms. Hoover wasn’t going to be able to pull off a happy ending for the couple. I have to say that I absolutely loved that Auburn found her inner strength and that it was she who made things right for her and Owen. And even though I found myself bawling yet again at the end of the book, I am so glad that Ms. Hoover brought the story full circle. Confess is a definite reread for me – tears and all.

I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
Reviewed by Angela at Crystal's Many Reviewers!

Check out the Confess by Colleen Hoover blog post on Crystal's Many Reviewers.

View all my reviews

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